Happy St. Patrick's Day Pandas! We miss all of you so very much! It's very lonely here with out all of your smiling faces:-)
We want to remind you to keep working on your daily assignments from your teachers. We will try and include some other projects and challenges that you can do while you're home. Don't forget to also take lots of walks with an adult or play in your yard. Fresh air and sunshine are going to be important during the coming weeks! Please please please limit your screen time!
Today's project: Create a leprechaun trap for your house! You can see some fun ideas here and then use them to make one with the supplies you have at home. You can use any supplies you have like paper, pennies, old boxes, crayons, toilet paper rolls, foil, or anything else!
A special happy birthday shout out to Liah C. and Malia D. We are thinking of you today!!
Again, we love you all and miss you and are sending out lots of positive panda thoughts!
Ms. Martin and Mrs. Fontana
Here are some suggestions and opportunities for you. We will try and send some daily so everyone has something new and different to try.
Comcast is offering free internet to those students who do not have it during this time. If you know someone who might be interested, please visit this site for more information.
Scholastic is also offering all of their resources, which are awesome, to students for free right now. They have put together daily projects and activities for kids. Take advantage of the awesome games and reading opportunities while you can!
Our teachers have also reached out with some Polish and Spanish websites that offer activities to students while they are at home. Please take advantage!
We will continue to send out fun opportunities that we learn about. Remember not to try and do too much in one day, but keeping to a schedule or structure is a good idea for everyone!! (Moms and Dads: we know this is hard on you too! Feel free to reach out to us for suggestions or support!)