Library Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Passow students take part in a ceremony to celebrate the opening of our new library!
Butterflies are Back! The kindergarteners are learning about life cycles with their very own classroom caterpillars.
5th Grade Jazz Virtual Field Trip World Class Jazz musician Victor Goines talks with the 5th graders across D84 about the history of Jazz, composing songs and famous musicians!
Teacher Appreciation and Nurse's Week Passow celebrate the teachers and Ms. Reband, the people who made learning happen this year!
5 Days a Week! Passow can't wait to have our second through fifth grade students in school 5 days a week!
Projects Galore! Pandas at every level are learning and writing and creating new, fun, and interesting projects!
Digital Citizenship Month at Passow Passow students and teachers will take time during the month of March to talk about what is means to be an upstanding digital ctizen!